Call 270-462-2522

Antler & Horn Mirrors

Every design offered is amazingly unique and each creation is a uniquely amazing custom creation. Every design featured on my website is offered to inspire you with a custom creation that reflects your style and personality. Find the special design you want and then let’s discuss how to create a one of a kind design for you. Select and contact me by phone or email.

Cowboy Mirror

Made of Leather, Nickel and Silver

Mirror with Antler

Antler Hand Mirror

Antler Hand Mirrors

Custom Spring Bok and Warthog tusk


Warthog Mirror with Sconces

Maple and Antler Wall Mirror

Antler Trim Mirror

Antler Wall Mirror

Mule Deer Antler Mirror

South African Warthog Mirror

Antler Mirror

Antler and Warthog Mirrors

Small Antler Mirror

Wart Hog Tusk (ivory) Mirror With Petrified

Wood Table

Call 270-462-2522

Every design offered is amazingly unique and each creation is a uniquely amazing custom creation. Every design featured on my website is offered to inspire you with a custom creation that reflects your style and personality. Find the special design you want and then let’s discuss how to create a one of a kind design for you. Select and contact me by phone or email.

Cowboy Mirror

Made of Leather, Nickel and Silver

Mirror with Antler

Antler Hand Mirror

Antler Hand Mirrors

Custom Spring Bok and Warthog tusk


Warthog Mirror with Sconces

Maple and Antler Wall Mirror

Antler Trim Mirror

Antler Wall Mirror

Mule Deer Antler Mirror

South African Warthog Mirror

Antler Mirror

Antler and Warthog Mirrors

Small Antler Mirror

Wart Hog Tusk (ivory) Mirror With Petrified

Wood Table

Antler & Horn
